Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Philresmandaue.com website(hereinafter the "Site"). The following terms and conditions("Terms and Conditions") govern your use and access of the Site. Andyour continuous use confirms your understanding and represents that you agreeto be bound to the Terms and Conditions herein set forth.

Access to and use of password protected and/orsecure areas of the Site are restricted to clients and general users withaccounts only. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access tosuch parts of this Site, or to any other protected information, through anymeans not intentionally made available by us for your specific use.

Display and images of places, lots and realtiesshown on the Site are either the property of, or used with permission byPhilresmandaue.com. The use of these images by you, or anyone else authorizedby you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these Terms andConditions or specific permission provided elsewhere on the Site. Anyunauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, thelaws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.

It is presumed that, any and all, information andpictures on the Site are copyrighted unless otherwise stated, thus, may be usedonly to the extent allowed by this Site or upon the written consent ofPhilippine Institute of Real Estate Service Practitioners(PhilRES),Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter Philippine Institute of Real Estate ServicePractitioners(PhilRES), Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter neither warrantsnor represents that your use of the information and pictures on the Site willnot infringe on the rights of third parties not affiliated, connected,associated or accredited with Philresmandaue.com.

You may not make any part of the Site available aspart of another website, whether by hyperlink framing on the Internet orotherwise, unless you have been authorized to do so in writing by PhilippineInstitute of Real Estate Service Practitioners(PhilRES), Incorporated - MandaueCity Chapter

Philippine Institute of Real Estate ServicePractitioners(PhilRES), Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter does not warrantand makes no representation that the information, display and pictures shown inthe Site are suitable, appropriate or available for use in other locations andother countries. Those who choose to access the Site from other locations orcountries do so on their own volition and are bound to adhere with intellectualproperty laws, trademark and copyright laws and to such laws deemed applicable.

Philippine Institute of Real Estate ServicePractitioners(PhilRES), Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter, reserves theright, without notice, to amend, revise, enhance, change, modify, alter orremove portions of these Terms and Conditions of use at any time. Amendmentsshall take effect once posted on the Site. Regular update of the Terms andConditions is your responsibility. The continued use of the Site following theposting of any amendments to the Terms and Conditions constitutes youracceptance to those amendments and are thus, bound by its current amendments.Philippine Institute of Real Estate Service Practitioners(PhilRES),Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter, further reserves the right to suspend, orpermanently discontinue all or any part of this Site and to restrict orprohibit access to it.

Philippine Institute of Real Estate ServicePractitioners(PhilRES), Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter, is not responsiblefor the content or practices of third party websites or any other sites linkedto the Site. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other sites is at yourown risk.

When you access the Site, you should either be atleast 18 years of age or accessing the Site under the supervision of a parentor legal guardian. We grant you a non-transferable and revocable license to usethe Site, under the Terms and Conditions described. Commercial use or use onbehalf of any third party is prohibited, except as explicitly permitted byPhilippine Institute of Real Estate Service Practitioners(PhilRES),Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter in advance. Any breach of these Terms andConditions shall result in the immediate revocation of the license granted inthis paragraph without notice to you. Content provided on this site is solely forinformational purposes. Product representations expressed on this Site arethose of the broker, developer or owner of the listings and are not made by us.Submissions or opinions expressed on this Site are those of the individualposting and such content does not reflect our opinion. Certain services andrelated features that may be made available on the Site may requireregistration or subscription. Should you choose to register or subscribe forany such services or related features, you agree to provide accurate andcurrent information about yourself, and to promptly update such information ifthere are any changes. Every user of the Site is solely responsible for keepingpasswords and other account identifiers safe and secure. The account owner is entirelyresponsible for all activities that occur under such password or account.Furthermore, you must notify us of any unauthorized use of your password oraccount. The Site shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly,in any way for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of, or inconnection with, your failure to comply with this section. During theregistration process you agree to receive promotional emails from the Site. Youcan subsequently opt out of receiving such promotional e-mails by clicking onthe link at the bottom of any promotional email.

By availing of the services of the Site ofPhilresmandaue.com, including its parent company, affiliates, subsidiaries, andrelated companies, as well as their respective officers, directors,shareholders, employees, agents, and other parties with which they do business(the “Company”), you acknowledge and affirm that the owner and operator ofPhilresmandaue.com, may use and process your Personal Information as defined bylaw, including those that may be sensitive or confidential, as disclosed by youin any activity related to the Company, including registration, participation,and enjoyment of any event, program, privilege, benefit or promotion conductedby the Company. Use and processing of Personal Information also includescollecting, recording, listing, systematizing, accumulating, storing, updating,extracting, transferring, anonymizing, blocking, deleting, and destroyingwhether through electronic means or otherwise.

Unless otherwise provided, any other communicationsyou transmit to the Site by electronic mail or otherwise, will be treated asnon-confidential and non-proprietary. They may be used by Philresmandaue.com orits affiliates for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction,disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting within the Site.Furthermore, Philresmandaue.com is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-hows,or techniques contained in any communication you send to the Site for any purposewhatsoever including, but not limited to, developing and marketing of servicesusing such information.

Finally, Philippine Institute of Real EstateService Practitioners (PhilRES), Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter, relies onthe information or listings that the publisher, user or client submits forpublication and does not warrant the truthfulness and accuracy thereof.Philippine Institute of Real Estate Service Practitioners (PhilRES),Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter, shall not be liable for any false,misleading, erroneous or inaccurate information that it has published by virtueof the request of users or clients or even if done unilaterally by users.




‘Philresmandaue.com’ and its community worktogether to keep our sites and services working properly and the communitysafe. Please report problems, offensive content and policy breaches to us. Wework to ensure that listed items do not infringe upon the copyright, trademarkor other intellectual property rights of third parties. If you believe thatyour intellectual property rights have been infringed, please notify our teamand we will investigate.


ClassifiedAcceptance and Pricing


The Site reserves the right to refuse or cancel anyclassifieds, uploads or requests for uploads for any reason, at any given time.You may be asked to provide additional verification or information, includingbut not limited to your: name, phone number and email address, before we acceptto publish the classified. We are determined to provide the most accurateinformation on the Site to our users; however, errors may still occur, such ascases when the price of a listing is not displayed correctly on the website. Assuch, we reserve the right to direct you to the appropriate person, broker, agentor entity who caused the listing to be uploaded.


Legal Disputes


Subject to the Company's right to seek injunctiverelief in the courts of the Republic of the Philippines, any dispute,controversy or claim arising out of or in relation to or connection to theTerms and Conditions herein set forth, including without limitation any disputeas to the construction, validity, interpretation, enforceability or breach ofany of the stipulations provided, shall be settled by arbitration in accordancewith the Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. (PDRCI) Arbitration Rulesas at present, in force.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold PhilippineInstitute of Real Estate Service Practitioners(PhilRES), Incorporated - MandaueCity Chapter, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective officers,directors, owners, agents, and information providers free and harmless from andagainst any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses incurred inconnection with any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions and PrivacyPolicy.


Applicable Law andJurisdiction


The foregoing Terms and Conditions shall begoverned by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republicof the Philippines, as it is applied to agreements entered into and to beperformed entirely within the country. Any action made by you, or any thirdparty or Philippine Institute of Real Estate Service Practitioners (PhilRES),Incorporated - Mandaue City Chapter, to enforce the Terms and Conditions or, inconnection with, any matters related to the Site shall be brought only in theterritorial jurisdiction of the Philippines. If any provision of the Terms andConditions shall be unlawful, void, voidable, or for any reason unenforceable,then that provision shall be deemed severable from the Terms and Conditionsherein provided and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any andall other remaining paragraphs herein contained.




To facilitate your account, Philippine Institute ofReal Estate Service Practitioners (PhilRES), Incorporated - Mandaue CityChapter shall obtain your personal information such as but not limited to yourfirst name, last name, mobile number and email address for our promotionalcampaigns and marketing. We do not sell or provide your personal information tothird parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent.

We may use your information only as described inthe Philresmandaue.com Privacy and Confidentiality Policy in consonance to theData Privacy Act of 2012. Your privacy is important to us. We collect andgather information, store and process them on our servers that are protected byphysical and technological security measures and devices. You can access andmodify the information you provide us and choose not to receive certaincommunications by signing-in to your account. For subscriptions, you do notneed to log into your account if you opt to unsubscribe, you may do so byclicking Unsubscribe at the bottom of the email that we sent you.

For complete information on how we use and protectyour personal information, you may look into the ‘Philresmandaue.com’ Privacyand Confidentiality Policy. If you object to your information being transferredor used in this way, you may stop using our website.




You agree to indemnify, defend and hold PhilippineInstitute of Real Estate Service Practitioners(PhilRES), Incorporated - MandaueCity Chapter, and its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors,owners, agents, information providers and licensors (collectively, the"Indemnified Parties") harmless from and against any and all claims,liabilities, losses, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred byany Indemnified Party in connection with any breach by you of these Terms andConditions and Privacy Policy.




You will receive an email notice or phoneverification from Philresmandaue.com once you have created a log in account.This is a verifying tool that will counter check with you if the email addressgiven and entered is accurate and existing during the registration process.This Notice shall be sent within 24 hours after registration and creation of anaccount, unless, we have been notified that the email address provided isinvalid.


Right to RestrictAccess


addition to any other rights or remedies that maybe available to Philresmandaue.com, we may, without any liability whatsoever,in our sole discretion terminate or restrict your access or use of the Site atany time and without notice.


No Waiver


Philresmandaue.com’s failure to insist upon orenforce strict performance of any provision of these Terms & Conditionsshall not constitute a waiver of the provision. Neither a course of dealing orconduct between you and us nor any trade or internet practices shall be deemedto modify these Terms & Conditions.




If any part of these Terms & Conditions isunenforceable, the unenforceable part shall be construed to reflect, as nearlyas possible, the original intentions of the parties. All other provisions ofthese Terms & Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

Limitation of Liability


Neither Philresmandaue.com nor its subsidiaries,divisions, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, representatives orlicensors shall be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or injury or anydirect, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or similardamages arising out of your access to or use of, or your inability to access oruse, the site or any materials, opinions or recommendations of third parties onthe site. This limitation applies whether the alleged liability is based oncontract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other basis, even ifPhilresmandaue.com has been advised of the possibility of such damage.




In addition to any other legal or equitableremedies, we may, without prior notice to you, immediately terminate the Termsand Conditions or revoke any or all of your rights granted under the Terms andConditions. Upon any termination of this Agreement, you shall immediately ceaseall access to and use of the Site and we shall, in addition to any other legalor equitable remedies, immediately revoke all password(s) and accountidentification issued to you and deny your access to and use of this Site in wholeor in part. Any termination of this agreement shall not affect the respectiverights and obligations (including without limitation, payment obligations) ofthe parties arising before the date of termination. You furthermore agree thatthe Site shall not be liable to you or to any other person as a result of anysuch suspension or termination. If you are dissatisfied with the Site or withany terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines, or practices in operatingthe Site, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Site.



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